Local urgent courier delivery services

Fastest delivery service
We grasp the mechanics of aiding our merchant allies.
Successful Project deliverd

The tale of our journey and growth

At GoParcel, our journey commenced with a vision to revolutionize the logistics industry. Founded by passionate individuals with years of experience in the field, we set out to address the common pain points faced by businesses and individuals when it came to shipping and delivery.

Driven by this vision, GoParcel was established to provide innovative solutions in logistics. With a team of experienced professionals, we aim to redefine the shipping and delivery experience for businesses and individuals alike.

Services You Can Trust



When your business requires a boost and you seek a means of transportation.



GoParcel embarked on its journey with a vision to revolutionize.


Air Parcel

When your business requires a boost and you seek a means of transportation.


E-commerce Delivery

When your business requires a boost and transportation is essential.


Pick and Drop

When your business requires a boost and you seek a means of transportation.

Why choose us

At Express, our journey commenced with a bold vision: to transform the logistics sector. Established by dedicated experts boasting extensive industry experience, we embarked on a mission to tackle.
SINCE 2008
Parcel delivered
Area coverage
Delivery agent

What People Say About Our Courier Service

Kristin Watson

UI/UX designer
“I aimed to delve deeper than the standard curriculum offered. My goal was to grasp fundamental concepts. So, I enrolled in a UI/UX design course.”

Kristin Watson

UI/UX designer
“After finishing the course, my appetite for UX design knowledge grew stronger. Seeking further insights, I enrolled in an advanced UI/UX design course.”

Our latest News & articles

At Express, our inception was fueled by a vision to transform the logistics sector. Established by experienced enthusiasts, we embarked on a mission to tackle.

Contact us now to get started!

GoParcel started with a vision to transform logistics. Founded by seasoned professionals with years of experience.
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